
“Es ist unmöglich eine Sache narrensicher zu machen, denn Narren sind so erfinderisch.”

“People hate to and will not read instructions.”
Nolan Bushnell

“If competition is a contest, the customers are the audience. They love a good fight, and they have the power to put their thumbs up or down.”
Jim McCarthy

“In the magazine world it is said that getting a new subscriber is four times as expensive as retaining an old one.”
Edward de Bono

„Ich hab keine Lust mich in ein solch abgefahrenes Szenario einzuarbeiten. Ich möchte Soldaten und Panzer. Russen und Amerikaner. Ich möchte was Einfaches.“

„Wenn ich 74mal fahren muss, um die zweite Strecke freizuschalten und die ist noch schlimmer, dann gebe ich das Ding meinem Hund zum Spielen.“

Das Publikum beklatscht ein Feuerwerk, aber keinen Sonnenaufgang.”
Friedrich Hebbel

“Research shows that 95 per cent of people do not use 90 per cent of the features on their video-recorders. ... What can you tell about a family where the clock on the video-recorder is not flashing?”
Edward de Bono

“Monopoly auf dem PC funktioniert nicht. Die Leute wollen die Kohle sehen, die wollen damit winken.”
JR (macht entsprechende Geste)

“Screen says “BONZOID”. Use your joystick or paddle to move your color to the species that you most resemble. Press your button to select.”
Aus der Anleitung von M.U.L.E.

 “Ha ha, this game is easy, I rule” he may say.

„Zuschauer sehen mehr als Spieler“
Japanische Weisheit

"The other thing that we got away with on "Kareteka" was that if you played the flip side of the disk, if you put the disk in upside down, the game plays upside down. I was hoping at least a few people would call Broderbund Tech Support and say, "The screen is upside down, I think something´s wrong with my monitor or my computer." That way the tech support person could have the sublime joy of saying, "Oh, you probably put the disk in upside down." And the customer would happily hang up thinking this was true of all computer software. I thought it was extremely brave of the publisher to increase the cost of goods by twenty-five cents just for a gag."
Jordan Mechner


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